Our Theory of Change

The mission of Greater Opportunities is to empower persons with developmental disabilities to achieve greater self-sufficiency and lead richer lives. We help individuals to reach their potential for independence through implementing this theory of change.
IF caring, compassionate staff support adults with disabilities by…
- Teaching them skills of independent living;
- Providing them tailored direct assistance when they cannot be fully independent; and
- Engaging them socially in the community and with one another;
THEN these individuals will…
- Grow their self-sufficiency;
- Expand their skills and confidence to live independently; and
- Lead more enriched lives with expanded interests, life purpose, healthy habits, and a sense of belonging.
Our Programs
Contact Us
900 Lafayette St., Suite 700 Santa Clara, CA 95050
Phone: (408) 248-4464
Fax: (408) 248-1221